10月20日(土)19:00open 19:15 start~
Place Cozmo’s café & bar(1-6-3 Shibuya, Shibuya Ward)
チケット/Tickets スタンディング:1,000yen at the door ※チケット代は当日会場でお支払ください。
【Featured bands】■ふたり/FUTARI/■Mahipoki/Mahipoki/■カリブ・ロックス/CARIB ROCKS
Let us join Amnesty International in the effort to eliminate the discriminatory practices in Kyrgyzstan targeting the disabled by doing all we can to promote, protect, and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of the human rights of all. Meet other activists and advocates of humanity at an evening of great music and excellent company, where we will come together to voice our support for equality.
主催:アムネスティ・インターナショナル日本/Amnesty International Japan
連絡 E-mail:camp@amnesty.or.jp(担当:シムカート/Schimkat)